
Commands are listed by when they were created.

bal (user)

Gets a user’s balance

ban (user) <reason>

Bans a user

clear (msg)

or purge

Purges (msg) messages from the text channel


Gives you information about the current status of COVID-19.


Sends a dad joke.

defrole (role)

Gives some information on a role.

deposit (amount)

Deposits an amount of coins to your bank.


or dist

Gives you the distance between two points (coordinate plane)


or gc or g

Simple graphing Calculator. More info here, or do *gcalc help in discord.


Earn some coins. Cooldown is 30 seconds.


Opens the help command (which leads to this website)

hex (text)

Returns the hex value of characters.

kick (user)

Kicks a specified user.


or lb

Shows the GLOBAL leaderboard of ZeraBot coins (bank and wallet) *leaderboard (amount) is for showing (amount) people on the board.

math (operator)

or m

Simple math command. More information here, or do *math help in discord.

morse (text)

Returns morse characters for the word(s) input.


Sends a Chuck Norris joke.

pokedex (pokemon)

Sends information about a Pokemon.

poll (text)

Creates a simple poll about whatever you say. No math involved, just reactions.

prefix (x)

Sets the server command prefix to x.

rolldice (sides)

Rolls a dice with (sides) sides.

send (user) (amount)

Sends (amount) money to (user) from your wallet.


Shows information about the server, including roles and channels

slots (bet)

Does a slot machine. If two letters are the same, you win 1.5x your bet. If all three are the same letter, you win 3x your bet. You lose if no letters are the same.

unban (user)

Unbans a specified user if they are on the ban list. Fixed in version β0.47

whois (user)

Sends information about a user like their roles and permissions.

withdraw (amount)

Withdraws (amount) coins from your bank.


or wp

Sends the population of the world, and some other statistics about population. Values may be off by a few thousand.

timer (seconds)

Sends a timer, and pings you when the timer is done. Maximum time is 1000 seconds.

unscramble (letters)

or uns

Unscrambles a string of letters into words, from 13 letter words to 2 letter words. Maximum length is 13 letters.

solve (equation)

or s

Algebra Calculator command, play around with it. You can use spaces. Upgraded in version β0.38

color (color)

Displays a color based on the input.


or rancol or rc

Displays a random color.

weekday (date)

or weekd or wd

Tells you the weekday of any date (no negative years)

rps (guess) (bet)

Play rock, paper, scissors with the bot with an optional bet.

mp (number)

or mathpersistence or persistence

Returns the mathematical persistence of a number. Don’t know what that is?

collatz (number)

Returns the Collatz conjecture of a number. Don’t know what that is?

remainder (n1) (n2)

or rem

Returns the quotient of the two numbers with a remainder.

hypixel (user)

or hy

This may not work with all users.

Shows hypixel stats for an inputted user, with a link at the bottom for extra stats. This feature is removed.

wolframalpha (query)

or wa

Searches Wolfram|Alpha for a specified query. More info on Wolfram|Alpha here. (Some queries will not work due to there being no single result.)

alphabetize (list)

Rearranges the list in alphabetical order. You can use spaces or commas to seperate words.

dataset (operation) (set)

or d or ds

Does operations to a specified set. You can use spaces or commas to separate numbers in the set. More info here, or do *dataset help

idea (idea)

If you want a command in ZeraBot, submit an idea. do *idea to show the most recent ideas.

findall (query) (str)

Uses regex.findall() and searches for (query) in (str). More info on regex here.


Use the forums to report users. (Using the report command will lead you to the forums)

slowmode (seconds)

Adds or sets the slowmode time for the current channel for (seconds) seconds. Maximum number of seconds is 21,600. (Slowmode timer will appear to round to the nearest tick mark.)

gcalc3d (function)

or gc3d or 3dgc or g3d

Unlike gcalc, this command has only one function available. See this page for more, or do *gcalc3d help. You may not use the letter z.

factors (number)

Returns the factors of a number. Maximum value is 25,000,000.

oeis (query)

Search the OEIS for number sequences that match your query. Keep in mind that it may take a bit to load. You can also use the reactions to go through pages.


or cfh

Displays a clientsfromhell post. This feature is removed.

string (string)

Displays information about a specified string.

area (shape) (numbers)

Returns the area of a specified shape with values. Here is the list of shapes. You can also do *area help.

volume (shape) (numbers)

Returns the volume of a specified 3D shape with values. Here is the list of shapes. You can also do *volume help.


Generates a sudoku puzzle with between 29 and 39 clues. Use *sudoku dark to create a sudoku with a black background. Upgraded in version γ0.15. You can use size:2, size:3, or size:4 in your message if you want a 4×4,9×9,or 16×16 sudoku board. (You can still include dark in your message.)

dictionary (word)

or dict

Displays the definition of a word, with some Most Common Letters.

say (message)

Simply says what you want it to.

level (user)

Lets you look at yours or other people’s ZeraBot Levels (Do ZeraBot commands to gain levels) You may also do *level to view your level.


Creates a string with 5-15 random words.

wikipedia (article)

or wiki

Searches Wikipedia for an article of your query.


Makes the bot join your VC. (If you are in one.) This feature is removed.


Makes the bot leave your VC and deletes the queue. (If you or the bot are in one.) This feature is removed.

play (song)

Plays a song, or adds it to the queue if one is already playing. Reminder that you have to use *join first. This feature is removed.

queue (index)

Displays songs in the queue. If you choose to remove a song, do *queue (song #). This feature is removed.


Skips the current song and goes to the next one in the queue. This feature is removed.


Toggles looping of the current song. This feature is removed.


Pauses the current song, until you do *resume or *unpause. This feature is removed.


or unpause

Resumes the current song, if it is paused. This feature is removed.

getuser (id)

Gets data of a user from their id. They do not need to be in your server.